
ThermoTun-Online is a railway tunnel ventilation and aerodynamics software application. It predicts air pressures and velocities caused by trains passing through tunnels using the industry leading ThermoTun software.

ThermoTun-Online is accessed over the internet enabling you to quickly perform calculations for the following tunnel configurations:

  • Case 1: Single train in a tunnel
  • Case 2: Crossing trains in a tunnel
  • Case 3: Tunnel with an airshaft
  • Case 4: Emergency ventilation
  • Case 5: Flared entrance to reduce pressure gradients
  • Case 6: Micro pressure waves

A tunnel with an airshaft

To view the process, follow the program tour.

Log in to use ThermoTun-Online:
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You: Enter parameters
ThermoTun-Online: Returns results in graphical and tabular format.
Input screen
Output graph Output text

ThermoTun-Online allows you to choose from six common train:tunnel configurations.

Train and tunnel parameters are entered in an easy-to-use form, and pressure and velocity results are returned in graphical form and text files which can be imported into spreadsheets.

Demo versions of each case are available after registration, and extensive help pages offer guidance on the choice of values for input parameters.

2024 Conferences

ThermoTun-Online users might be interested in the following conferences:

20th International Symposium on Aerodynamics, Ventilation and Fire in Tunnels

12th International Conference on Tunnel Safety and Ventilation

ThermoTun-Online is a trading name of VORD Consulting Ltd.